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File: NMH Beam Katanas Hexed (Fixed)
Version: None URL:
Description: This is not an add-on. Dump it into C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\Steam Username\garrysmod\garrysmod.

Since has the worst upload system ever that can't detect if a file is a .zip if its contents contain capital letters or spaces, I had to edit the .mdl files to better suit the new names of the texture folders. The textures should work now.

Viper Snake's beam katanas in hexed format. Contains 5 models. If you find them hard to pose with, delete the .phy model for each one. By default, the Tsubaki MK-II (the first in the second image) has no .phy model because the one it had caused it to get stuck in the ground.

Models included: 5
Collision model: 4/5
Phong shading: Yes
Self-illumination: Yes
Multiple skins: No
Jigglebones: No

Model/Texture: Viper Snake
Hexing and packaging: Me

Image: NMH