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File: Sandbox *OLD*
Version: 0 URL:
Description: >>Note, this is kind of old, just not quite...<<

V4 is here after the very suspenseful wait of 1 day!!!!!

To install just pop the "maps" folder into the directory of the game you want it in (garrysmod/garrysmod for GMod, half life 2 episode 2/ep2 for Hl2 Ep2. It's not hard to figure out, just look in the folder of the game you want it in and try to find the one with the maps folder) and click overwrite. The only thing it'll overwrite is if you have an older version of this map.
To run (in any game besides GMod) hit ` (~ without the shift) and type "map sandbox" (without quotes) into the console.
To run in GMod click Play Singleplayer or Play Multiplayer and mess with the settings to your preferences and go to the maps tab that has the icons. Go down to other (make sure you expand it) and double click sandbox.

The .vmf is included so that you can try fixing my bugs if you want to. Don't fix them if you can explain them to me, because I would like to know how you did them. If you fix them DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE THIS. Email it to me and I will reupload this as "Sandbox" (or more if more people fix it :P) and include you in the "Thanks to:" section.

New stuff:
-Old basement is back (the one from v2).
-New second basement (below the old one) that's 2 stories deep. The second story is filled with water :D.

-2 basement floors (a pool and an empty one).
-2 bases good for deathmatch (floors are kind of empty next to spawn points, maybe fixed in v5 or v6 )
-Huge skybox. I mean like HUGE!
-Cool fade in thingy so that it won't seem like it's lagging while the "Node graph out of date, rebuilding..."

Known bugs:
-Water has weird black lines on bottom. Actually forgot to check, but by default (lol first time I typed it I accidentally typed "defail") it's there:(
-2nd spawnpoint doesn't work (I think, haven't done much checking into it)
-Weird lighting bug in the far corner from spawnpoint.
-Splashes from basement go through floor. I lied. My plan didn't work, but it doesn't really matter anyway unless you're making a machinima of sorts.
-Might be some others. That's why you contact me!

I would test it in Hl2 DM but the lighting is messed up. Might use GMAN (Garry's Mod Addon Network) to disable addons and test in GMod, but GMod is just a mod of Hl2 DM (I think) so it might remain...probably not though....
^--Tested in GMod and works fine, I think it's just the Hl2 Source engine (Lost coast, Hl2, Hl2 DM, maybe Ep1, etc...) that it doesn't work with because it's made for the Ep2 engine. Maybe v5/6 will be tested/made in Hl2.

Contact me:
Steam: Megabobster
RuneScape (yes, I play RS): Join the Clan Chat "T_U_I_E" and look for a person named OptimusMEGA or Megakid39 or something with "Mega" in it. If you play RuneScape and don't know how to join a Clan Chat, then God help you.
Comments below!

Contact me if:
-You find a texture error (if the horizontal surfaces aren't gray/vertical surfaces aren't orange).
-You know how to make a ladder (I looked at tutorials and what they say is to get the ladder texture and change it to func_ladder. Just doesn't exist...).
-You find a bug.
-You want to congratulate me on my map-making skills and give me helpful and constructive advice/criticism.
-You feel like teaching me to make AI nodes.
-You know how to get an icon for the map (for GMod only).
-You have a suggestion for v5!!

Thanks to:
-Valve for making Source
-Megakid39/Megakid/Megabobster (me) because I made this
-3kliksphilip for teaching me (not personally, just through his vids) almost everything I know about map-making!
-People who encouraged me (mostly Cerberus177 and my family)
-You for (hopefully) downloading and giving me feedback!

And here's for hoping that this gets popular!
*opens up bottle of wine (a rather big one, at that...) and pours everyone on teh interwebz a glass and toasts to life and happiness and all that* (if you're under 21 I've got some apple juice over here somewhere...)

Ah yes and one last thing: the water texture might only work in Hl2 Ep2 and GMod (only if you have Ep2). If it doesn't work for you contact me and I will fix it. This isn't under bugs/contact me because I personally have not had a problem with it (except when I tested it in Hl2 DM, but it was totally screwed up anyway)....

Image: Sandbox