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File: TF2 Voice Addon
Version: 0 URL:
Originally uploaded by Aska á? on 27th January 2010 01:26 amI've had this sitting in my GMod for a few months now, decided to add a feature or two and release it. It'll download to clients so everyone will have access to the menu while playing on your server.Binds:* tf2_voice_menu - opens/closes the menu (if you hit it while the menu is fading out, it will open back up on that same menu)* tf2_voice_bind - let's you open a specific menu, or play a specific sound from with one key press (Heavy yelling MEDIC! = tf2_voice_bind 5 1 1)If you die or take damage while vocalizing, it will play the death/pain yell of whatever class you were using at the time, for added effect.Just extract the lua file to garrysmod/lua/autorun
Image: TF2