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File: | Guitar Hero Pack for gmod9 |
Version: | 0 | URL: | |
Description: | Guitar Hero Pack Requirements: GMod9 original author: (material,models) Albert Garibaldo, BoneyardBrew New Guitar Hero Version by: Killer Instinct __________________________________ The old Guitar Hero pack for Gmod9 had 28 Guitars and 3 other Guitar Hero stuffs. (AMP,Keyboard,Drums) My Guitar Hero pack has 40 Guitars and 4 other stuffs. (Mic,AMP,Keyboard,Drums) (I didn't create the materials and models but fixed the problems and changed some more props to gmod9 props) I fixed the "650 White" material. I fixed the "Cayanne Red Les Paul" spawncode. I fixed the spawnlise: 15 new Guitars. 3 Guitars removed, they was double in the old pack 1 new stuff, an Mic. __________________________________ In Pack: 40 Guitars 4 other Guitar Hero Stuffs Guitars: - 650 White - Cayanne Red Les Paul - Es335 Cherry - DoubleCut White - Coronet Brown - Chet Orange - Casino - SG Bass Cream - Bass Black - Bass Hofner - Bass Grab Cherry - Resin - Sticker - God Dess Burst - Marauder - Sonex - Cherry - Zakkwylde - Bass - Firebird - Firebird Ebony - Flying V - Flying V V2 - Flying V Red - Flying V Century - Moderne Dragon - Van Black - Xplorer White - Curvus White - SG Guitar - USA - Double Neck - Log - Fish - Eyeball - Viking - Scythe - Coffin - Battle Axe - Snaketapus other stuffs: - Mic - AMP - Keyboard - Drums |
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