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File: Classic DOOM Addon
Version: 1 URL:
Description: This addon was created in response to a gmod patch a few months ago that broke Classic DOOM Weapons v1.2 and caused the sprites to no longer be properly aligned. I used this opportunity to fix a bunch of bugs and squeeze in new content, including a complete recode of every item in my old DOOM Pickups pack.


Facepunch Thread:

NOTE: This addon is incompatible with the current version of SpiderMod due to an overwrite of a gmod function (DamageInfo()) with a table within SpiderMod.

01/13/2010 - 1.3
-fixed weapon viewsprites being misaligned after a recent gmod patch
-fixed entities flying off in an arbitrary direction when killed
-fixed a weapon creating multiple effects per tick at higher pings
-fixed some sprites animating incorrectly
-fixed some textures not using the proper VTF flags
-fixed view bob appearing while in vehicles
-fixed this addon causing camera issues with the shuttle addon
-(hopefully) fixed the Chaingun not animating properly on some computers
-(hopefully) fixed the Plasma Gun firing incorrectly on some computers
-(hopefully) fixed textures spilling over the top and causing a horizontal line through the middle of the screen with a doom weapon equipped on some computers
-changed the way clientside prediction is done in singleplayer
-updated the Plasma Gun to use trace hulls instead of tracelines
-updated the weapons to use damage types
-updated the rendering code on the rocket to draw it correctly when viewed from any angle
-updated the rocket launcher to use the correct cooldown
-recoded and added entities from the doom pickups addon
-added Cyberdemon SNPC
-added explosive barrel SENT
-added teleporter scripted effect
-added option to disable additive plasma (cl_doom_plasma_additive)
-added radiation shielding suit item
-added world sprite, spawn icon, and kill icon for the pistol
-added spawn icon and kill icon for the fists
-added code to reassign the owner of a rocket to a player that catches it with the gravity gun
-added lag compensation to the pistol, chaingun, shotgun, and super shotgun
-added HUD notification system that the items and weapons now use (can also be called by other scripts on the client as doom.AddHUDText(textstring))
-added fix for the light amplification visor (if you have gm_cvar2 installed on your client the addon will allow the LAV to use fullbright instead of dynamic light)
-added server convar sv_doom_spawneffect
-added server convar sv_doom_ammocaptype
-added server convar sv_doom_backpackstyle
-added server convar sv_doom_itemlifetime
-added server convar sv_doom_deathscream
-added tag that shows up in the server browser
-updated the way weapon sway is calculated
-updated the way view bob is calculated
-restored the BFG Ray effect to displaying even if it didn't make a kill
-capped rocket velocity
-modified chaingun firing
-most weapons are now usable by NPCs

Included Weapons:
-Super Shotgun
-Rocket Launcher
-Plasma Gun
-The BFG9000

Included Spawnable Entities:
-Box of Bullets
-Shotgun Shells
-Box of Shells
-Box of Rockets
-Energy Cell
-Cell Pack
-Berserk Pack
-Health Bonus
-Armor Bonus
-Radiation Shielding Suit
-Light Amplification Visor

And of course, id Software is credited with all of the original DOOM and DOOM II sounds and textures (as well as two of the finest shooters to ever grace the history of computer games).

Image: Classic