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File: Night Vision Script 1.2
Version: 0 URL:
I've decided to update my old Night vision script, which was last updated more than a year ago.

/\ Revamped the Tonemap effect:
* has 3 quality settings - low, medium, high (medium and high yield the best results, while low provides a rough prediction of the effect)
* added in an option to turn on Delayed Tonemap Tracing - less traces with MUCH less performance loss and no quality loss either!

/\ Revamped the Goggle overlay effect - no performance loss!
/\ Greatly optimized the code

Q: What's this?

A: This is a very customizable night vision script

Q: How different is it from other night vision scripts?

A: Unlike most scripts, this script actually illuminates the area around you instead of simply modifying on-screen colors

Q: How customizable is it?

A: You can:
- Modify the illumination radius
- Modify the brightness of the illumination
- Modify the speed of how fast the night vision turns on
- Modify the needed darkness level for ID work (described below)
- Modify the reaction time of ID
- Modify the range at which ETISD works (described below)
- Modify the sensivity of ISIB
- Modify the range at which AIM works
- Toggle on/off a distortion effect
- Toggle on/off a blur effect
- Modify the intensity of the blur effect
- Toggle on/off the green overlay effect
- Toggle on/off the goggle effect
- Toggle on/off the tonemap effect (which has 3 quality modes AND a performance mode called "Delayed Tonemap Tracing"!)
- Easily reset everything

Q: I bet it works only on console commands

A: Yes, and no. You can access an in-game menu by going to Q > Options > NVScript > Client.
You can also control everything using the console commands (command names are below)

Q: Do I need any additional games for this to work?

A: No, all the needed materials are included. (5 materials)

Q: How do I install this?

A: It's in addon format, so, extract to your addons folder.

Q: My night vision goes all crazy when I have ETISD turned on!

A: Turn it off or decrease the range at which it works.

Q: ETISD doesn't seem to work.

A: ETISD only works with ID turned on.

Q: For some reason on a map I'm playing on ID doesn't seem to work at all!

A: Some maps have a slight lighting bug that mess up the detection of dark areas, I might fix that later.

Q: I've been playing around with the controls, and was writing in numbers instead of using the slider, and now the night-vision is messed up!

A: You shouldn't use anything more/less than the recommended limits of the sliders. Press the "Reset Settings" button.

Q: I'm having performance issues.

A: Reduce Illumination range, increase Brightness to 1.0 (100%), turn off the Distort effect, turn off the Goggle effect, turn off Blur.
The recommended settings of the night-vision are set when you reset the settings.

Q: The menu looks complicated, and I don't even know what does stuff like ID or ETISD do!

A: Read the readme and what each feature does before using this.

Q: Can I get banned for using this?

A: If you run around the server and scream "I'M USING A NIGHT-VISION SCRIPT" like an idiot, then maybe.
Although you shouldn't get banned unless you're using this in a gamemode where the enemy needs to be lurking in the shadows.
And no, you can't get VAC banned for this either.

- Completely client-side (other people won't see you use this)
- Highly customizable
- ID (Illumination-Detection)
- ETISD (Eye Trace Illumination-Sensitive Detection)
- ISIB (Illumination-Smart Intensity Balancing)
- AIM (Alternate Illuminating Method)

Console Commands:
nv_togg - toggle the night-vision
nv_id_status <0 - 1> - turn ID (Illumination-Detection) on/off
nv_id_reaction_time <0.1 - 1.0> - time for ID (Illumination-Detection) to react when entering a dark/bright area (in seconds) (higher = slower)
nv_id_sens_darkness <0.05 - 1.0> - darkness scale at which ID (Illumination-Detection) starts functioning (higher = darker)
nv_etisd_status <0 - 1> - turn ETISD (Eye Trace Illumination-Sensitive Detection) on/off
nv_etisd_sensivity_range <100 - 500> - set the range at which ETISD (Eye Trace Illumination-Sensitive Detection) is functional
nv_isib_status <0 - 1> - turn ISIB (Illumination-Smart Intensity Balancing) on/off
nv_isib_sensivity <2 - 10> - control the sensivity of ISIB (Illumination-Smart Intensity Balancing)
nv_aim_status <0 - 1> - turn AIM (Alternate Illumination Method) on/off
nv_aim_range <50 - 300> - range at which AIM (Alternate Illumination Method) works
nv_fx_blur_status <0 - 1> - turn Blur effect on/off
nv_fx_blur_intensity <0.2 - 1.75> - control how intense the blur effect is
nv_fx_distort_status <0 - 1> - turn Distort effect on/off
nv_fx_colormod_status <0 - 1> - turn Green Overlay effect on/off
nv_fx_goggle_status <0 - 1> - turn Goggle effect on/off
nv_fx_tonemap_status <0 - 1> - turn Tonemap effect on/off
nv_fx_tonemap_delayed <0 - 1> - turn Delayed Tonemap Tracing on/off (turn this on, as this increases performance with barely any visual quality loss)
nv_fx_tonemap_quality <1 - 3> - 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high. Low being the least precise, Medium being precise and High being the most precise.
nv_toggspeed <0.02 - 1.0> - set the speed at which your night vision turns on
nv_illum_area <64 - 1024> - set the distance which is illuminated whenever night vision is turned on
nv_illum_bright <0.2 - 1.0> - set the brightness of the night-vision
nv_reset_everything - self-explanatory

ID (Illumination-Detection):
Automatically turns on your night-vision whenever you enter a dark area.

- Sensivity
- Reaction time

ETISD (Eye Trace Illumination-Sensitive Detection):
Automatically turns off your night-vision when looking at a bright area from a dark area.

- Range

ISIB (Illumination-Smart Intensity Balancing):
Automatically balances the intensity of your night-vision depending on the level of darkness in the area you're in.

- Sensivity

AIM (Alternate Illuminating Method):
Illuminates the place where you are looking at.

- Range

blackops7799 - darkness illuminating light, blur effect
Kogitsune - helped me out with ETISD
TetaBonita - sound effects/turn on effect

YouTube video (version 1.0):

Image: Night