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File: | Perfected Climb SWEP 1.273 |
Version: | None | URL: | |
Description: | !BEFORE WHINING THAT NOTHING IN HERE WORKS, READ THE GODDAMN IN-GAME HELP MENU OPENED BY TYPING cswep_helpmenu INTO YOUR CONSOLE! Collaborated with Zoey so that both our weapons together to be completely compatible. MAIN COMPABILITY RELATED STUFF: cswep_switchscripts - switch between Zoey's and Spy's roll scripts (do this if you have both addons installed and you changed your SWEPS) cswep_snapsallowed - 1 or 0: enable or disable necksnaps Changelog: 1.273: /\ Fixed entire Climb script breaking down often /\ Fixed switching from Climb SWEP to another weapon and then switching back resulting in having 100% stamina /\ Fixed not being able to go into noclip if exhausted/tired /\ Fixed being able to push a frozen prop with no result /\ Fixed swimming too fast under water /\ Slightly increased the neck-snap area (easier to do a necksnap now) /\ Slightly decreased the amount of time required to stand up after doing a roll which halved the received damage (from 0.7 sec to 0.6 sec) 1.272: /\ Fixed Gradual Acceleration crashing sometimes /\ Fixed some shimmy bugs /\ Fixed slightly incorrect fatigue bar percentage prediction /\ Decreased maximum speed when sprinting/jogging with Gradual Acceleration turned on 1.271: + From now on, pressing your SPRINT KEY with Gradual Acceleration turned on will give make you accelerate faster and will increase your speed cap slightly at the cost of Stamina /\ Fixed being able to climb if falling too fast (for the second time?) /\ Fixed not being able to snap NPCs' necks with PvP damage turned off /\ From now on, when you're tired/exhausted with GA turned on you'll only going to be able to run at half your speed, instead of not being able to run at all /\ Fixed Gradual Acceleration sometimes (rarely) breaking down /\ Improved neck-snap (no more face-snaps (rare)/shoulder-snaps) /\ Fixed not speeding up with Gradual Acceleration turned on sometimes /\ Fixed shimmy draining stamina too fast when holding down multiple direction keys /\ Fixed stamina draining too fast when holding down multiple keys while hanging on a ledge /\ Decreased amount of stamina used when shimmying (oh god this word sounds so wrong FFFF) /\ Slight improvements to shimmy /\ Changed text from 'Fatigue' to 'Stamina' 1.27: + From now on, a player is able to shimmy FORWARD, just press and hold your FORWARD key and you'll move closer to the ledge + From now on, your fatigue indicator will also display the amount (in percentage) of fatigue left /\ Added in some missing content from normal version of the SWEP into the no-fatigue version of the SWEP /\ Fixed pressing SPRINT KEY not giving a speed boost while grabbing onto a ledge and shimmying (is this word correct? it sounds... wrong) /\ Fixed fatigue indicator being buggy when fatigue is lower than 2% /\ Fixed neck-snap sound playing even though you're trying to snap a neck of an NPC who's neck is un-snappable /\ Fixed neck-snapping un-necksnappable NPCs giving you 2 points on the scoreboard /\ Fixed being able to grab onto non-frozen props /\ Slightly increased the maximum possible distance between the ledge and the player to be able to shift between sharp edges (from 30 to 40 units) /\ Limited ledge-jump to a 30 degree angle, thanks goes to Kogitsune for helping me beat a shitload of Lua errors in the process (?) Probably fixed heavy breathing sound effect even when fatigue was already past 25% 1.26: + From now on, whenever you're tired (when your fatigue reaches 0%) you will not be able to sprint, and you will breathe hard until it reaches 25% /\ Slightly improved slowing down when bumping into something (with Gradual Acceleration turned on) /\ Now the faster you move with the normal version of the SWEP, the slower your fatigue will regenerate /\ Wall-jumping now takes slightly more fatigue /\ Ledge-jumping now takes much more fatigue /\ View won't get so shaky/crazy when your fatigue is below 15% from now on 1.25: + (!) Added in gradual acceleration! (check out the in-game help menu to find out how it works) + Added in a simple in-game admin menu to control settings (Q > Utilites > Climb SWEP Menu (admin-only)) + Added in a heartbeat sound effect whenever your Fatigue is below 30% /\ Pulling yourself up now consumes some of your energy - Completely removed the viewmodel (buggy hands still sometimes appear) 1.24: /\ (!) Fixed Fatigue version of the SWEP being completely broken /\ Fixed sometimes not being able to do a roll with the non-grip version of the SWEP /\ Added in un-used grate climb sounds (metal grate/fences) /\ Changed text from 'Grip' to 'Fatigue' /\ Fixed buggy view after the shake effect with almost no grip /\ Fixed shaking effects not working correctly when grabbing onto a ledge /\ Fixed some more stuff that might have conflicted and/or given Lua errors /\ Fixed being able to wall-jump into a direction after letting go of a ledge. /\ Reduced the range at which a player is able to snap a neck/push a prop (from 80 to 60 units) - Removed a completely unused NWInt (I have no idea what was it doing there) 1.23: + Added in material based wall-run sounds + Now if you do a roll with another weapon, you will holster your weapon, and after you're done, you'll draw it out (thanks to Zoey!) /\ Fixed not being able to climb after landing on a prop/player/NPC /\ Dynamic Fall damage is now optional (mp_falldamage 1/0 - on/off) /\ Updated in-game help menu on how-to shimmy - Removed a roll sound 1.22: + Added in a version of the Climb SWEP with no grip-o-meter /\ From now on, a player is able to do a roll with any weapon, when holding down his DUCK KEY /\ Fixed 'buggy hands' when doing a roll with another weapon Zoey: /\ Fixed a shimmy glitch /\ Updated the in-game help menu /\ Slightly lightened the code - Removed un-used code 1,21: /\ Fixed players not being able to snap NPCs' necks if they necksnapping is enabled (cswep_snapsenabled 1) /\ Fixed players being able to climb on NPCs /\ Fixed players being able to grab onto NPCs /\ Changed the helpmenu console command from climb_helpmenu to cswep_helpmenu 1.2: + From now on, if a player's holding onto a ledge, pressing space will result in push himself where he looks + From now on, after landing you will automatically move, and you will also automatically duck/unduck + From now on, a player is able to grab onto props + Added in 2 new roll sounds + Added in grip meter (thanks Zoey) + Added in shimmy (thanks goes to Zoey) + Added in a console variable cswep_snapsallowed. If set to 1 - you can do a necksnap, otherwise, you'll just punch people + Added in a console command that toggles roll types between Zoey's and mine scripts. The command is: cswep_scripttype_switch /\ From now on, if a player's falling down too fast, he's not going to be able to climb stuff /\ From now on, if sbox_plpldamage is 1 (as in if PvP damage is disabled) you are not going to be able to snap another player's/NPC's neck /\ From now on, while holding onto a ledge, and holding down your FORWARD KEY, after pressing jump you will ledge-jump to where you are looking at /\ Slightly increased the angle at which you have to look to do a roll (from 45 to 35) /\ Lowered the speed at which if you fall you cannot do a roll (from 1150 to 1000 (length, not Z)) /\ Lowered the height of falling to receive damage - Removed the no-necksnap version of the SWEP (since I've added in cswep_snapsallowed) And some other stuff I can't remember 1.11: + Added in an in-game help menu, can be opened by writing climb_helpmenu into your console + Added in roll sounds (placeholder until I find better roll sounds somewhere else) + Slightly increased the range at which a player is able to wall-run/grab onto stuff (from 25 units to 45 units) /\ Fixed not being able to climb while wielding the no-necksnap version of the SWEP (!) /\ Fixed the line 99 bug /\ Tweaked around with the maximum possible falling speed and not being able to roll/grab onto something - Removed un-used sound tables in the non-necksnap version of the SWEP. 1.1: + Added in dynamic fall damage (activated by using mp_falldamage 1) since some people (like me) didn't have it before + After wall-running twice/thrice and pressing SPACE + W/A/D will do a FORWARD/LEFT/RIGHT push + While grabbed on a ledge pressing SPACE + W/A/D will do a FORWARD/LEFT/RIGHT push /\ From now on, pushing yourself into a direction is possible after wall-running twice/thrice - Removed the arms model after they have been drawn (to avoid buggy arms while doing a roll) for now 1.01 /\ Fixed the line 173 bug in the normal version of the SWEP /\ Fixed not being able to roll most of the time /\ Made the SWEP with no necksnap/punching abilities public Q: What's this? A: This is a perfected Climb SWEP (a completely new version of Meoowe's Climb SWEP (which is kinda broken by the way)) Q: How is it different from Meoowe's Climb SWEP? A: Climbing has been limited to 3 climbs per landing, you can grab onto stuff, do rolls (to halven the fall damage), snap necks from behind, and beat NPCs to death from front. However, you cannot grab onto stuff if you're falling too fast and if you can't do a roll if you're falling too fast aswell. Q: How do I install it? A: It's in addon form, so put it into garrysmod/garrysmod/addons (check if there isn't another 'Perfected Climb SWEP' inside this folder though!) Q: This Climb SWEP is really hard, are there any tips I should know of? A: Not really, this SWEP will be hard to use for the first time (just like most SWEPS/SENTS that don't shoot bullets) but you'll get around after some time. Q: Climbing looks awkward in third person. A: Hey, I'm not a modeler nor an animator. Features: - Climbing - Grabbing onto ledges - Wall-running and pushing self backwards - Rolls (to halven the fall damage) - Fatigue (a meter |
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