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File: | Player Factions 3.0 |
Version: | 3.0 | URL: | |
Description: | Sorry about this being previously a quick fix, it is now 3.0. I forgot it was just lua! **Introduction** Well I made a fairly fast edit of Mahalis's player factions. This will include Combine Stalkers, Combine Helicopters, Combine Cameras, and a few others like Combine Ceiling Turret to friendly or enemy depending on what you are doing. **Changes** 3.0 includes mortarsynth and clears up some confusion. Hunters are STILL INCLUDED in this. **How to use this addon** Extract to addons and open up garrysmod. Choose a Combine Playermodel (It must be normal metropolice, soldier, guard, or it won't work) and the Combine listed won't attack you. Choose a corpse or zombie and Zombies will not attack you. Choose a rebel and nothing will happen, for you already are a rebel. I just changed the class line of his/her code to add these. Let's just say Mahalis - 30% Credit Only because he BANNED me from facepunch for improving his shit script. He didn't even leave a reason >:O Dmitri - 70% Credit for edit and submission. **Glitches** Combine APC npc won't work, god knows why. Combine Hoppers won't work, it doesn't work for It's an entity, therefore ignore players wouldn't even work. The Combine Ceiling Turret does work, don't worry about it. The hopper does not. **Conclusion** Have fun! Wait, no, go fuck yourself instead... Nah have fun. **EDIT** From the expected stupidity of people complaining that their custom combine player model won't work with this, chill out. Use a normal combine one or go into the lua and add your model to whatever you like! BTW, if you say it doesn't work your doing it wrong. Don't troll on here and say, "OMG I CHOSE A COMBINE PLAYERMODEL AND IT WON'T WORK" because it does for hundreds of people and you chose a custom one. You MUST USE the default ones. **EDIT** This already includes Hunter, sorry for any confusion. :D **EDIT** Sorry everyone! I released this as a quickfix and said you needed the previous version. You DO NOT NEED IT! Sorry for everyone who downloaded both. Not much of a big deal though. Sorry again! **EDIT** 3.0 may have bombed. My mortarsynth still attacks me but I'm sure It's a conflicting addon. I'll work on a fix for those with it failing. **EDIT** Actually with v1.2 of the hl1 npc packs the Mortarsnyth does not attack me. Thank gawd :D Anyways, I cannot reply to comments. @ dudeoloo Either you posted this when Garry screwed it up, you installed wrong, or other, but it works for me and others still. Or you're trolling. Either way I hope you try again :o |
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