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File: | Zombine's CS:S Weapons |
Version: | None | URL: | |
Description: | Well, I fixed a weapons pack and made it a little bit more realistic, and added some sounds that were missing, and overall made it better. This pack contains: All CS:S weapons with realistic effects (sorry guys, doesn't blow down doors with a shotgun) An Administrative Weapon, (Controls for administrative weapon Left-Click = Tight burst of thousands of shotgun bullets doing massive damage - Right click = Fire an explosive AWP round with a powerful shock wave dealing extra damage.) And the best weapon, a C4, with very nice effects. NOTE!: The explosion effects of this C4 will replace any other explosions of any other C4s that people have made, that you have in your addons folder! Other note!: Sorry, slight mistake. The SG552 Sniper weapon was accidentally mis-named. I mixed it up with the SG550 Rifle. So the one saying 'Sniper' is actually the rifle. My bad! D: Here is the fix for the missing Mac 10 and the mixed up rifles: |
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