Search results

  1. JJJusea

    Showing off my clan logo

    what?! I haven't seen any of his work, where?
  2. JJJusea

    Songs in real life

    Ehh??? EDIT Wow, I just noticed the little post icons at the lower right of each post, is this new?
  3. JJJusea

    Steam Games (New links!)

    god, these links are down . . . I don't think GoldDrak is coming back here so there'd be no point requesting since he's gone
  4. JJJusea

    Whats the scariest video game you've played?

    dead space? straight gorry and stuff, but it doesn't have enough atmosphere for me. I love the epic scale of everything with dead space tho, its just amazing seeing how many characters dying off
  5. JJJusea


    uggh . . . *shivers* god, thats a creepy game
  6. JJJusea

    RyDeR`'s Application

    Whatever, he obviously hasn't come back for that reason - fail . . . .
  7. JJJusea

    favortie football team

    NBA or something else? . . . God, the world only seems to focus on America doesn't it , even American basketball is on the NZ news when the blackcaps just lost a few days ago AND weren't on the news.
  8. JJJusea

    RyDeR`'s Application

    I honestly can't see anything positive he's done for the site, jokes! All goods :)
  9. JJJusea

    Do you ever REGRET being a gamer?

    Hmmm . . . Well, not much. I can control myself pretty good when it comes to 'videogaming' but I have to admit I'm not very good at keeping in line when it comes to 'Life' , but yeah . . . Gaming gives me an excuse to get out of the shit that spins around in my life. Meh, I was never much of a...
  10. JJJusea

    Dustforce Update Released

    Hmm . . . time to update my dustforce ncf . . . thanx for the info, I don't usually update my stuff.
  11. JJJusea

    Anybody willing to trade mw2 account for several games?

    Damn, I was gonna put that on the table!
  12. JJJusea

    Terraria Vs. Minecraft

    pfff . . . Serious, Minecraft? Terraria pwns minecraft. better graphics and proper gameplay. Though, I must say mincraft has potential especially with the freedom it offers.
  13. JJJusea

    {REQ} Half Life 2: Episode 1

    ahem . . . that is Simbiats ftp , I'm pretty sure most of the games are already outdated, not a good idea to leech off his FTP anyways.
  14. JJJusea

    {REQ} Half Life 2: Episode 1

    Hmmm . . . I got a good a idea, download a TORRENT, otherwise by the game! JKS All goods, I'll see if I can get a copy over the weekend
  15. JJJusea

    What I need to do?

    ;sigh . . . (facepalm) OK, lets get this straight, to make CF toolbox 'work' for YOU, (I'm tryna go real SLOW here for you) you need two things: 1.NCF/GCF files 2. Game folder to be put in directory '/steamapps/common' THEN turn off steam, and use CF toolbox to update the game ncf/gcf files, if...
  16. JJJusea

    Download addons directly from

    Good job there, think we can get a group together for making a greasemonkey script that grabs the download link? Contact me by email if you got some ideas! (jjjusea[at]
  17. JJJusea

    CorelDRAW Portable

    Sorry for the dbl post , but gotta get some advice on this . . .
  18. JJJusea

    NatureBucks Legit site for making cash

    well, its gone. You could hardly make much money out of it anyways.
  19. JJJusea

    What I need to do?

    Check out CF toolbox HERE It will explain basically everything you will need to know about using cracked steam.
  20. JJJusea

    GreenLuma 1.3.1

    thats because your steam probably updated, if you downloaded the installer before this update for steam and copied the 'old' steam files from BELOW. THEN use greenluma, it should work then. EDIT: If you didn't know since...
  21. JJJusea

    Eufloria [FULL-GAME]-Packed by JJJusea

    Eufloria is an ambient game of space exploration and conquest that employs surprising themes of plant growth and bio mechanical evolution. The game allows the player to explore a beautifully realized universe rendered in a style that is both unique and compelling. Eufloria's aesthetics are...
  22. JJJusea

    Ban the person above you

    Banned for the use of two sentences in one post.
  23. JJJusea

    Whats the scariest video game you've played?

    Amnesia, is just good at getting under my skin with the little things, yeah, the game and level design was also done really well i find, with some old school horrors like nightmare house, if your in a laid back mood you can actually find some little 'fail' details and secret rooms that are...
  24. JJJusea

    My new computer

    wow, thats one monster of a computer u got ther, tho I guess thats why ppl use pc over mac. PC's are extremely customizable, when it comes to mac its alot more complex (and pricey)
  25. JJJusea

    Hello to all!

    Helloo, and Wewlcome to dee FWEESTEAM ;)
  26. JJJusea

    How to download from without logging in

    :( OK, sorry didn't realise that. ;) I just assumed you copied this since it would seem like a real big coincidence :confused: that there are two threads on the same website on the same topic. :cool:
  27. JJJusea

    Selling 8 Digit Account - 72 Games!!

    hmmm . . . lets see, $35 USD, or NZD? I'll buy it at $20 US only, otherwise no deal, unless you can sell it elsewhere. EDIT I'll email u if I got the time
  28. JJJusea

    Showing off my clan logo

    Yeah, sure . . . been waiting a while now. I'll be patient . . . :rolleyes:
  29. JJJusea

    How to download from without logging in

    I'm quite sure this has been posted before by Wampa842 already HERE, you simply copied and pasted his guide (on the same website even . . . :rolleyes: dumbb . . . )Get a life and stop trying to increase your post/thread count by re-posting other ppls hard work as your own, otherwise at least...