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  1. S

    Counter-Strike Steamworks Beta 12.12.09

    Heres the newest version of CS Steamworks Beta Counter-Strike is required to play this Install like any other GCFs A Thanks cost you nothing!
  2. S

    Some GCF-Requests

    Its not a Source-engine based game! This is just a "new" Version of CS1.6 with some extras like Avatars in scoreboard or Community-names instead of Nicks. It is already uploaded on this site, but...
  3. S

    Some GCF-Requests

    Everyone, who has Counter-Strike 1.6 legal on his Steam-account can add CS Steamworks Beta for free on his gamelist. Here is the Install link: steam://install/150 Just insert this link in your Browser, select your Steam-exe and you have the game on your Account. But I havent a legal CS-Copy...
  4. S

    Some GCF-Requests

    First of all: sorry for requesting files, i can download myself with CFToolbox!:D What I miss now is: Counter-Strike beta content.gcf Counter-Strike beta shared binaries.gcf Please upload full GCFs. I only have version 0 of both.
  5. S

    Some GCF-Requests

    I search for following: Counter-Strike beta content.gcf Counter-Strike beta shared binaries.gcf Counter-Strike.gcf day of deafeat source.gcf multiplayer ob binaries.gcf I dont found any updated files here so please help.
  6. S

    21.4.09 half life-engine.gcf

    Can someone please upload the new version from the half-life engine.gcf? Yesterday comes a update and CF Toolbox says outdated to v51.