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  1. vlad20033

    Portal 2 how to play ONLINE WITHOUT steam

    you have many opportunities! 1.go to 2.go to start>run>cmd and type ipconfig /all and you will find something like this it looks like that but its not your ip...
  2. vlad20033

    Portal 2 how to play ONLINE WITHOUT steam

    talking about this? well i took a look at it and looks preety good i will try it also
  3. vlad20033

    Portal 2 how to play ONLINE WITHOUT steam

    HOW TO PLAY COOP: 0.get update 1 and 2(this its very important) 1. Launch the game and open CONSOLE (to enable console go to options>Keyboard>Advanced and tick "enable developers console", then you can open it with "~" key) 2. Send your friend your IP, for example: "connect 81.57.664.892" (he...
  4. vlad20033

    Portal 2 SKIDROW

    Portal 2 is a first-person puzzle-platform video game developed by Valve Corporation. It is the sequel to the critically-acclaimed 2007 video game Portal and was announced on March 5, 2010, following a week-long alternate reality game based on new patches to the original game.[7] Though...