LAN Advertising Server - VC++ VS2005


Hi guys,

If anyone is interested in a VC++ UDP LAN Advertising server with an associated Secure TCP/IP Client/Listen Server please let me know. Both the Advertising server and the Listen server live on the same port.

I use it to detect other instances of my YASAMM/VNetCafe application running on a LAN.

Note: I then use another layer to allow Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) to be performed between the Applications.

The advertising Server (Ping Master) and the Secure Client are at one end.
The Ping Slave and the Listen Server are at the other end

It uses:-
A class CLocalUdpP2P - a CWinThread Object with an API that is the same at both ends, it is a non blocking and message driven stand alone object.

It handles:-
1. A Master Advertising Server (by sending a Ping) UDP CAsyncSocket, using SO_REUSEADDR and SO_BROADCAST
2. A Secure TCP/IP Client that will Connect to a Listen Server and hence another Secure Client

3. Slave UDP CAyncSocket Response to the Ping - including Listen Server info
4. A TCP/IP Listen Server that Accepts Connections and creates a secure TCP/IP session.

class CUdpSocket : public CAsyncSocket
		virtual ~CUdpSocket();


	// Operations
		//	Overide the ASyncSocket Create to allow handle Reuse and Broadcast
		bool	Create( HWND		hWndParent,
					CWinThread	*ptParentWinThread,
					CString		&rcsWinIpAddress,
					int			&rnWinPort,
					BOOL		fBroadcast = FALSE,
					int			nSocketType = SOCK_DGRAM,
					long		lEvent = FD_READ | FD_WRITE );


bool CUdpSocket::Create( HWND hWndParent,
			CWinThread	*ptParentWinThread,
			CString	&rcsWinIpAddress,
			int		&rnWinPort,
			BOOL	fBroadcast,
			int		nSocketType,
			long	lEvent )
#	ifdef	LOG_ENABLE
	ON_LOG_FUNCTION( va_string( "   ---> Create( %s:%d )\n", 
				rnWinPort ));
#	endif

	bool	fRc	= false;
	BOOL	fReuse	= TRUE;

	//	Interface variables
	m_hParentWnd		= hWndParent;
	m_ptParentWinThread	= ptParentWinThread;
	m_csWinIpAddress	= rcsWinIpAddress;
	m_nWinPort			= rnWinPort;
	m_fBroadcast		= fBroadcast;

	//	Windows Order
	CString	csWinPrivateIpAddress;
	UINT	uWinPrivatePort;

	fRC	= Socket( nSocketType, lEvent, 0, PF_INET );

	if	( fRC != FALSE )
		//	Setup the Socket Options
		fRC	= SetSockOpt( SO_REUSEADDR, &fReuse, sizeof( BOOL ), SOL_SOCKET );
		//	BOOL	fNoDelay	= TRUE;
		//	nRC		= SetSockOpt( TCP_NODELAY, &fNoDelay, sizeof( BOOL ), IPPROTO_TCP );

		if	( m_fBroadcast )
			fRC	= SetSockOpt( SO_BROADCAST, &m_fBroadcast, sizeof( BOOL ), SOL_SOCKET );

		//	Bind to the local adapter
		fRC	= Bind( m_nWinPort, m_csWinIpAddress );

		//	Now lets see what we end up with
		if	( GetSockName( csWinPrivateIpAddress, uWinPrivatePort ) )
