Recent content by marcround

  1. marcround

    Quotes of FS [New Thread]

    [20:28:48] 11&marcround : i have aids from irc:// :D
  2. marcround

    CSS Framerate

    you may want to turn hdr and anti-aliasing off
  3. marcround

    Many invites available

    any idea what it cashes out into? (cheque , paypal????)
  4. marcround

    Shoutbox - Spamming

    that also is considered spam and now as you have spammed this thread will be spammed so i will lock it
  5. marcround

    Shoutbox - Spamming

    lol firstly the spam filter was enabled before but it got so dam annoying that it was disabled secondly since everything including me thinks you spam on the shoutbox ill make a new rule saying if you post 4 lines without anyone else talking then you get a infraction and a warning :D
  6. marcround

    craziest illusion ever!

    lol hax
  7. marcround

    You'r Desktop!

    check my optimized shit :D
  8. marcround

    Marketplace opened!

    gave up on tradez? :D
  9. marcround

    Funny Quotes!

    hm how about you shut up unless you have something useful to say for a change
  10. marcround


    most of the staff do have legit accounts, but each person uses it them selfs and do not share it :)
  11. marcround

    omfg FS is so inactive

    i can think of 2 coders straight away :)
  12. marcround

    Team Fortress 2 gcf Files!

    ok thats enough spam muwahaha fear my spam deleting powers
  13. marcround

    This or that?

    post quick reply advent rising or sin episodes emergence
  14. marcround

    Source SDK

    lol just download valve hammer without the pre-sets heres a link there we go -locked to prevent spam- pm me if you want to unlock this for any reason
  15. marcround

    1,000 Members

    1000 words 1000 embraces :D