Source SDK

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I wanna learn mapping, so I just downloaded Source SDK through steam. The problem is that I cannot launch it... I'm double-clicking on the Source SDK in the steam menu, a "Preparing to launch" window appears and then... it just disappears a few seconds later. I have also Source SDK Base. I use original, non-cracked steam. Is there a way to fix it? Please, help!
Before unistall it, try to Clean your clientregistry.blob (delete it) open again the acc and run the sdk, some troubles how games are not listed or dont run are sometimes for the clientregistry.
None of these solutions helped. It still just doesn't launch...

Umm i think i had the same problem but with css time ago, try to put the clientregistry.blob in SDK folder.
When my CSS dont launch (appears preparing to launch and closes how you) i put the clientregistry in the folder and works, so try it maybe help.
Umm i think i had the same problem but with css time ago, try to put the clientregistry.blob in SDK folder.
When my CSS dont launch (appears preparing to launch and closes how you) i put the clientregistry in the folder and works, so try it maybe help.

Still no changes... I tried to launch it through cracked steam and... it worked :|
But now when i try to launch Hammer Editor I'm getting error:

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