HL: Bring back Adrian Shephard?


So yeah, this it totally random, but I just thought of it.
Remember Half-Life: Opposing Force, the main character Adrian Shephard?
Anyone like to see him come back in a future game? Like episode 3 or something? They did hint that they would like to bring him back in the future. And there was that debate about hints of him in Portal. (But that was just coincidence.) But yeah I just wondered.

I'd like to see him come back. He was a different character. I liked him.
he apears in a mod called awakening :D

About the Game
Awakening is a Half-Life 2 singleplayer mod where the player discovers what happened to Adrian Shepard (Half-Life: Opposing Force), what happened a bit before Gordon Freeman arrival at City 17, and where the antlions come from.

Note that future official releases on the Half-Life 2 story might contradict with this mod.

The mod should have a playtime of roughly one hour leading you trough a intro and 5 playable levels. Starting at a underground complex much like Black Mesa, leading you trough a outdoor snow environment into a Russian submarine base, an early combine citadel structure and a ancient location that the combine is researching.
Seriously? I've never heard of that mod before...
You have just made my day. =p
I'll have to look into it. :3
Still, I'd like to see him in an official VALVe game like episode 3.
They remembered Gordon and Barney, but they forgot Adrian. :C