Steamm Account Toss.


FS Member
ok here is the deal im going to toss a few steam accounts but you have to do a little work the deal is the pw is encrypted in a simple agro. witch i will explane ... this should keep most leechers from getting the accounts.

xfelipex - 12353( this is not the password you must do the math)
xfrankx - 12353( this is not the password you must do the math)
vladii - 123464( this is not the password you must do the math)
Happy102 - 123464 ( this is not the password you must do the math)

ok so this is just basic math. the passwords are in numeric ... so this should real easy

pass + 2 + 1 - 12 + 12 / 2 * 1 / 3 + 5 * 3
someones been phishing accounts lately(a). id never give my accounts so easy away:p even if i had a million of em..
no like iv said i do not fish.. accounts thats lame and takes no skill. me and eric made a cracker ... ;) and the pw to the first 2 accounts are 12345 and the 2nd 2 123456 if thay are not allready gone.