team fortress 2 client content 1st of Sept 09

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FS Member

Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Team Fortress 2

* Added "tf_allow_player_use" server ConVar to control players executing +use while playing (defaults to 0)
* Fixed a bug where full backpacks resulted in an item being repeatedly found each time the game is started
* Fixed being able to burn players/buildings that are in the water while standing outside the water
* Fixed teleporting Spies getting stuck in enemy players standing on the exit
* Fixed server log not listing telefrag kills as weapon "telefrag"
* Fixed the Pyro's airblast pushing Spectators in free-look mode
* Fixed Pyro's Hadouken killing Scouts that have used Bonk! and are phasing
* Fixed freezecam screenshots sometimes being saved outside the Screenshots folder
* Fixed deathnotice and server log entries not using the unique item names/icons when buildings are destroyed
* Fixed a case where the weapon selection menu wasn't drawing the images of non-standard items if the player was using hud_fastswitch 1 and using slot7-10 to view the panel
* Fixed CTF HUD not centering the flag panel if there is only one active flag

Community requests

* Added the ability to set a parent for the item_teamflag entity
* Added OnPickUpTeam1 and OnPickUpTeam2 outputs to the item_teamflag entity
* Added intro movie .mp3 files to the sound/misc folder


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