Uninstall a Crack, Hack or Patch (i.e. UnDeadPatch)


New Member
Hey i want to get the orange box, but i want to install, without patch, cracking, or hacking, etc.

i was thinking of hacking it, with the undead patch or something else, and i was thinking if i did install it, could i uninstall or replace the patch, with the original steam without getting a VAC Ban and keeping the game.

is there some way i can get my game(s), withought giving out my account information, or cracking steam, or if i have to crack steam, revert it to its original state, and keep the games with no VAC Ban.

please help!!
No need to worry about vac bans as you dont own the games. If you have a legit account that you dont want to use to log into cracked steam then download steamup launcher. Launch steamup for cracked steam and normal steam for normal steam
Yea if you want to install a legit game on your main acc install it with a non-cracked steam. Steamup is good considering you wont have to keep reinstalling steam whenever you buy a legit game. And whenever you want a cracked game launch steamup download the crack ect ect ect :p