Need for Speed Shift .gcfs plzzz


FS Member
Hi I have searched online and can't find the .gcf's for Need for Speed Shift anywhere. I really want this game and it's on steam so somebody please help me. Please upload or give me a link or something I really want this game. Thanks.

Edit: I actually saw .isos to download for this but there should be gcfs since its on steam right? I would prefer gcfs but if the isos are the only way please tell me. Thanks
i will buy this game shortly psuchris then i will upload it for you

and btw most people don't get the difference between NCF and GCF
GCF has all the data in it that's why it's always 10MB +
NCF tells steam were the game files are.

so NFS Shift has NCF

*Only the games from valve uses GCF's
thanks and about the ncf/gcf thing that was a while ago when i posted that lol when i was just gettin started and didnt really know anything but now i know